Sunday, October 4, 2009

Let the adventures begin........

Now that Anna has been here for a week, we are going to give a quick recap of the week past with some special highlights that we think you all will enjoy. SOOOOO here goes:

Friday, Sept. 25th: Anna arrived in Berlin and we took the bus back to Dresden where we went to sleep straight away. I was exhausted after a late night of wine and gossip with a work friend of mine, and Anna, needless to say, was tired after her flight.....(Tired, that is, until 6 am when she woke me up saying that she had just eaten breakfast and was ready for the day....UMMM. For anybody who knows Anna, this is a VERY strange thing.)

Saturday, Sept. 26th: It was a beautiful day and Anna and I hit the town for some shopping and fun. We met George Costanza's German twin on our way downtown.That evening we went out to eat to celebrate Anna's birthday!

Sunday, Sept 27th: I made brunch for Anna and friends and then we spent the entire day enjoying the last of the warm weather in Dresden in the park. Then we went on a rendezvous with Beelzebub at the restaurant called "Devil's Kitchen." Is was damned good. Pardon the pun. Then we came home and Anna forced me to finally clean and organize my apartment and it now looks soooooo good! (pics to come.)

Monday, Sept 28th: While I had to wake up early and earn money for the two of us to have fun, Anna slept in. Then I came home from a hard day's work and slaved in the kitchen to feed hungry mouths....

Tuesday, Sept 29th: Anna continued to clean my apartment, came to meet me at school, and then we went out to dinner with Chris and Skye at our new favorite Italian restaurant.

Wednesday, Sept 30th: We colored Anna's hair. She looks hot. Then that evening we went to a concert where a friend of mine was playing. Tequila+MOFA=DEBAUCHERY.

Thursday, Oct 1st: Anna and I made breakfast for our cute little band member friends and then we ran errands for my birthday party all day. That night we made tacos and Christian came over where he proceeded to eat about 10 tacos.

Friday, Oct 2nd: Girl's Night Out with SARAH!!!!

Our new jewelry line!

Saturday, Oct 3rd: BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, Oct 4th: Woke up, CLEANED up! Because yesterday was a German holiday (Reunification Day) and the stores were all closed, they decided to keep the stores open on a Sunday. YAY! So, Anna and I went shopping and out to Pizza Hut :)

Then after a day of shopping, we had a nightcap of cocktails with Ellen! Lots of good laughs and girl talk :)

Disclaimer by Anna:
This whole thing was written by Kate, and while she may make it look like all I do is sleep in (which is mostly true), I also run errands, clean clean clean, do dishes and do the laundry.. I feel like a housewife already! Anywho, it really has been a great first week and I love love love visiting Katie.. we have a lot of fun. So far this week I have met lots of good people and had lots of memorable moments. We miss you all (aka: Mom/Dad, Laura, Kristen, Kyla) :)

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